This was the site design for SPRU, an innovative technologies site produced in 2000. The following screens are from The Scrutineer’s working PSDs, designed and provided for the programming team (headed by Colin Dixon of Illustra) based at The Innovation Centre at The University of Sussex. As you’ll see, the site was constructed to a very tight square box grid, mimicking the building blocks of the construction industry…

The Housing Forum
Set up in 1999 to implement and promote themes of the report of the Construction Taskforce ‘Rethinking Construction’. It aims to bring together organisations and individuals throughout the supply chain who are interested in innovation and change within the housebuilding industry.
Movement for innovation
Similar to the Housing Forum, (see above) but with a broader remit of promoting continuous improvement throughout the UK construction industry.
Innovation Good Practice Grants
Innovation Good Practice Grants Programme.
Construction Best Practice Programme
Supported by the DETR and the Construction Industry Board this programme aims to raise awareness of the benefits of best practice in the construction industry. The programme provides guidance and advice to UK construction and client organisations to assist them in implementing change.