Print and digital design, production and publishing. Archivist to the Estate of Oscar-winning cinematographer David Watkin
Sadly, the remaining copies of David’s second autobiography ‘Was Clara Schumann a Fag Hag?’ were destroyed after probate to his estate was granted. The two volumes were designed, produced and published by Scrutineer’s.
Was Clara Schumann a Fag-Hag? An Autobiography of the Oscar-winning Cinematographer, David Watkin.
Preface to second volume: “David Watkin’s life has been an uncanny fusion of luck and intelligence, and at no stage has his progress been predictable. Born in 1925 in Margate, he developed an intense love of music and literature, yet he first encountered the world of work as a messenger boy and camera assistant at British Transport Films. He left the Documentary Movement for Feature films, via the new industry of TV commercials, and rapidly set new standards in the way films should look. Accompanying the Lifetime Achievement’s Award at Lodz in 2004 was a publication with tributes from fellow professionals, such as Laslo Kovacs, Roger Deakins, and Curtis Clark who, among others, described the impact made on them of his innovative cinematographic techniques. Above all, he is prepared to pursue a creativity of vision in the face of the conservative, accountant-led ethos of the Film Industry.

Rather than be determined by conventional career moves, he has been energised by his collaborations with the Great Originals described within, such as those with Tony Richardson, Peter Sellars, Franco Zeffirelli, Daniel Barenboim, Peter Brook and Terence Donovan, whose spirit and energy infuses his every day.
It is a Life filled with Delight – in Love, in Craft, in Learning and Wit in equal measure.
Why is there only one word for Thesaurus? (1998) began a chronicle of his long and creative life that this present work sustains and extends.”
Product details
Paperback: 564 pages
First Edition: 2008
Publisher: Scrutineer’s
ISBN: 978-0953408016
Although essential parts from the earlier volume (Why is there only one word for thesaurus?) re-appear in Clara, to all intents and purposes, it is a new piece of work.
The books, (first editions), were produced by subscription.
It became apparent during the design of ‘Clara’, that there was an urgency to publish, so that David would have time to inscribe copies for his subscribers before his health took a further turn. While the book was being printed, The Scrutineer continued to work with David, cataloguing his extensive rare-book collection and archiving his personal effects.
The David Watkin Archive
Rachael Adams and the historian, Dr Chris Mullen have begun to trace David Watkin’s contributions to documentary, commercial and feature film-making, relating his achievements and innovations to the very character of the man; complex and perverse, innocent yet knowing at the same time. He wore his learning lightly but with much seriousness.
They have invited friends and colleagues to add their own impressions to the site. The updated version having been initiated as a response to the hundreds of friends of David Watkin from all over the world who wished to contribute to the archive of memories of this remarkable man.